Monday, December 19, 2016


Writing this blog never seemed like a feasible idea to me. There was always some excuse hindering me from reaching my potential. Excuses that were coming directly from me. Mainly they began with "I can't,"  or "what will people think?" 

I have realized that to be happy in life you really need to do what you're passionate about, and that's what I am doing here on!

After studying abroad this summer in Jerusalem on a program called JEWEL, I attended a Self-Discovery Seminar and from then on my life was changed. I was incredibly inspired and thought that it would be beneficial to share these "secrets"  with all.

Starred, underlined, and highlighted in my journal, the following ingredients to a happy, better life are listed.

Firstly, do not live an "I should have" life. Take worthwhile, healthy risks. Do not live your life with regrets. 

Secondly, be grateful. Humble yourself and count your blessings. Recognize how much you have in life, do NOT focus on the have-nots. Gratitude is the secret to happiness. 

Thirdly, your whole experience of reality comes through your mind. So think positive thoughts and allow the Law of Attraction to bring only good things. 

Fourthly, your purpose in life is to reach your potential, not your father's, nor your friend's, nor the Queen of England's. YOUR potential. Work on your negative character traits and become the best version of yourself.

Lastly, make the world a better place by positively influencing the world around you. Have integrity, be a nice person, and spread that!

From personal experience I can genuinely say that these tools applied to daily experiences have improved my quality of life. This blog is much more than just fun posts on fashion and beauty, it's the writer in me honing in on my creative energy and doing what I love. I've finally found what it is that I should be doing and how I should be doing it, and let me tell you it feels amazing. 

Finish this sentence: I should have _______. 

Fill in the blank and go for it! 

Keep smiling,

Kimberly Malka

*Credit to Rabbi DB Cohen for this amazing class and all the coordinators of the JEWEL program. Shout out to my JEWELIES, for continuing to inspire me every day. Missing you all dearly!

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