Saturday, January 14, 2017

Tick Tock

This blog post is dedicated to everyone out there who has faced rejection or has gone through a rough patch and has come up on top.

Didn't get the job but that annoying chick who loudly chews gum did? S/He didn't text you back and isn't interested in you? New Dior shoes that you got at a crazy price gets lost with the parcel delivery service? So what! 

The saying goes as follows: "When one door closes, another [better] one opens." Truly deep and wise words that can inspire you to pick up the pieces when things haven't been going the way you thought it would. 

Day by day things happen in a way that initially appears not be in our favor, however, in the long run everything works out the way it is supposed to in the most individualized, optimal way for each and every one of us. 

So, just take a moment and deeply breathe in and out. Seriously, do it. It will make you feel better. Recognize that even though what currently might seem like a disaster or that nothing is working out in your best interests, you are still worth it. You deserve #happiness and #success, and will gain it if you continue to #believe in yourself and do not allow yourself to be petty and wallow in the darkness of your troubles. Just because someone else got the job doesn't mean that you're unworthy of a promotion, something more substantial that suits your strengths and interests will come along. You can see that s/he read your whatsapp message and hasn't answered in 72 hours? Move along! That just means that s/he is not qualified to be someone special or compatible for you. Shoes mysteriously vanish from delivery truck? Get your refund and remember you'll find something that fits you and your taste, and will be at 
the right price! 

It's all about a matter of #time. While you power through this stage, reflect and reframe the dialogue you have in your mind about yourself which will either make you, or break you. Remember, you are right where you supposed to be, so be happy - it drives people crazy!

Keep smiling,

Kimberly Malka